Just so you don't think Paris is all glamour and window licking there's a daily reminder right outside the front door, and right below my window that there are alot of homeless people here too, living on the street. This is a little camp just 20 meters from the front door.

Just below my window another guy has set up his area on these benches. Fortunately he's very quiet and even sweeps the leaves out of his space from time to time. Most of the day he just sits, and of course you wonder what he's thinking about all day while he sits there.

And this is the colonnade that runs along the front of the building. It's clear during the day but in the evening people begin to arrive and claim their spots. It's quite a mix of people, drinkers, loud talkers, and even a older woman who looks like a grandmother. A daily reminder of our fortunate position inside the building in our comfortable studios.