It was Sunday yesterday so i thought i'd wander over to the street market at the Bastille. I was expecting something small with maybe some bric-a-brac, but this was a large street market selling all kinds of food and housewares and flowers, and it was very busy.

It was getting to be around lunchtime so i thought i'd better eat something before i turned grumpy. Fortunately there was lots to choose from. I didn't eat these mushrooms but i did have a crepe citron, made in two minutes right in front of me. Only 5 euros with a bottle of water, and delicious.

There was lots of fresh fish and produce, some of which did not look familiar and also this stall called Chevaline, which sells horse meat and seemed fairly busy. I've never eaten horse but i did have pigeon once in England. I'm sure there must have been a pigeon stall here somewhere.