Yesterday i went to the Musee de la Poupee, which shows the private doll collection of the charming Samy Odin. Now i don't know anything about dolls except that on the antiques roadshow they are often very valuable, and the Musee certainly has a wide ranging collection. Here are a few from the display. Funny how their eyes seem to follow you when you turn away....
After spending abit of time with the collection i realized i was flashing back to that old Jane Fonda classic of 1968 'Barbarella' which i must have seen when i was seven years old and my dad would sneak us into the drive in under an old blanket on the floor of the car. This spooky scene still gives me the willies....
Then with somewhat sheepish apologies to Monsieur Odin, and a promise to return, i got the heck out of there.