After spending the last few days in thrall to contemporary art we decided to catch up on some sightseeing. We started out with some of the principal monuments, which were not being flooded today, the first being the Basilica of San Marco, where every surface is crusted with mosaic. And of course no photography allowed. So why did we come here, if not to take pictures?
From there we strolled next door to check out the Doge's palace and the prisons.
Acres of gilt ceilings studded with paintings by Veronese.
Afternoon light on a curtain outside the Council Chamber
Looking out into the courtyard of the Doges Palace through the old glass.
Across the Bridge of Sighs and into the prisons for a selfie. The prison of the selfie?
The prison courtyard.
Looking out the stone grill from the Bridge of Sighs.
The Doge's Palace.
Then we went up the Campanile to look out over the city.
Such a clear day you could even see the mountains to the north.