These are some of the people in my neighbourhood here at Cite des Arts
This is Sarah Jane Gorlitz and Wojciech Olejnik, who occupy the other Canadian studio and work collaboratively as softturns (softturns.com) Sarah Jane is also a super excellent tour guide.
This is Sarah Jane Gorlitz and Wojciech Olejnik, who occupy the other Canadian studio and work collaboratively as softturns (softturns.com) Sarah Jane is also a super excellent tour guide.

This is Felicity Hammond, a British artist who works in photography and collage and has an upcoming show here during the Paris Photo event in November.

This is Vivien Zhang, another UK artist. She is a painter and i believe works mostly with oils.

And this is Sun Mee Kang from South Korea. She has been working on this wonderful version of a letter from the Cite's director, recreated on her studio wall with black tape. She does alot of large site specific installation work.