Between Open Studio gigs i had time to take in the new Surrealist exhibition at the Pompidou, which was quite good. At the entrance was this sign. You've been warned!
I think this is the first time i've seen an exhibition that so successfully married the use of audio visual information with atmospheric content. There was lots of projected documentation from the original Surrealist exhibitions and a soundtrack of a woman breathing that created an atmosphere of dreamy disquiet.
The lady who came into the exhibition directly behind me thought it would be fun to give this Marcel Duchamp a twirl. And so she did. The security people pounced but not fast enough.
There was also some contemporary work, including this piece by Mona Hatoum to give the Surrealists' work some context as forerunners of current art practice.
In the section on dolls and mannequins this piece by Hans Bellmer from 1936
Giacometti's 'Disagreeable Object to Throw Away' from 1931
Dali before he sold out.
And I'm sure you all recognize this Man Ray
More Dali.
Marcel Marien's 'L'Introuvable' from 1937 which i had never seen before.
And check out this beautiful piece by Mimi Parent, "Masculin/Feminin" from 1959